Friday, December 31, 2010

Chicago, Il: Dec 2010

This year, we decided to spend the Christmas holiday in Chicago with Jacki's side of the family. I know, you're thinking, "Chicago in December? You're crazy!" Well, the last couple of years we have spent Christmas in Phoenix, and Denver, and when we asked Elle where she wanted to go she said, "I want to go somewhere where there is snow, but not Colorado." Well, we were happy to oblige and pay Jacki's mother and brothers a festive visit. And, Elle got her wish, we had snow when we landed and it snowed all night for a couple of inches of new white cold stuff. Sadly, a couple of days later it was 50 degrees and it rained all day, all the snow melted away. We didn't let that put a damper on our fun though. I hate to say it, but we were so busy for the week that we were there that we didn't get too many pictures. We visited the Museum of Science and Industry, the Field Museum, the Shedd Aquarium, and of course, Navy Pier. Again, sadly the pictures this trip were limited, and those we did get are not worthy of sharing. Maybe just a few of the Chicago Uncles.

Uncle Chris enjoying time with Marko.

Uncle Clint with Marko.

Uncle Ali with Marko.

We did not get a picture with Uncle Ernie, but we did get to spend a little time with him. Also, as with anytime we go to Chicago, all of the great food! Elle got to help make tamales with grandma, take a very cold ride on the El (which she loved), and got to experience a stuffed pizza from Giordanno's at about midnight. It was a great trip and it is always good to see family.

Remember to Tread Lightly and Leave No Trace.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sedona, AZ: Aug, 2010

While I was in China, my brother-in-law came out to care for Marko. A couple of days before he went home we had to take him on a trail run. What better trail for a first timer than Broken Arrow in Sedona? What made this even better was that it was raining. We had never run the trails in Sedona during the rain, and while Broken Arrow is scenic, but not challenging, the rain and wet rocks added a whole new level. The slick rock became very slick and traction could at times be a challenge. Coming down from Submarine Rock and going down the Staircase was a lot of fun, as I had never slid down those obstacles before. It was a lot of fun and a great day. We knew Ali had a good time as often times we got comments like, "this is scandelous", and, "I have never had so much fun going so slow before". Anytime you want to hit the trails again, Ali, just let us know. We are always up for a run.

The rain and the clouds gave a new perspective on one of the most scenic areas in Arizona.

Usually slow and steady is the mantra for going down the Staircase. When it's wet, slow and steady still holds true, just be ready to slide down.

Off of the Staircase, the major challenges are over. What a rush, this was the first time we had to slide down the slick rock, and not by choice.

After Sedona, we took Ali into Jerome for a quick look. He had a lot of fun and comandiered the camera a few times. It is always nice to show family from out of town what Arizona has to offer.

Remember to tread lightly and leave no trace.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Macau, China: Aug. 2010

When it was time to pack up and head out of Guangzhou, there were still a couple of days left before heading back to Hong Kong to go home. We decided that Macau would be an interesting stop over. Like Hong Kong, Macau only recently came back under Chinese rule, though it still has sovereign rule over the people that live there, at least for the next 50 years. For hundreds of years, Macau had been under Portuguese rule, and the European style architecture and a now decrepit Catholic cathedral as well as an old Portuguese fort show the very strong European influence. Now, Macau has been taken over by Las Vegas style casino hotels, luxurious rooms, and food that is recognizable to any foreign travelers. While I did not gamble while I was there (I see no point in gambling) I did take a peek into one of the casinos. On the outside it looks like any casino you would see on the Vegas strip, and you can walk into them in wearing shorts and a t-shirt, yet inside they remind me of a casino in Europe, very quiet and subdued. There is some very rich history in this part on the world, and unless you like to gamble, Macau can be seen in a day. I still found it very interesting and I always enjoy walking the side streets and back ways to see what is out there. There the real Macau showed up, and it was very similar to Guangzhou and the culture there.

In the center of downtown it is easy to get the feeling you could be in Europe. The European feel is all around in the older parts of Macau.

Street signs in both Chinese and Portuguese.

What remains of the cathedral, now a tourist hot spot. A look at a couple of the old canons atop the Portuguese fortress.

The "real" Macau. The back streets. Small shops selling everyday staples to the people that live in the area.

Dried sardines?

Duck, chicken, sausage? All that anyone could need to survive are found on these little side streets.

I am not sure I would travel back to Macau. It's not that I didn't enjoy it; I loved it there for the day that I went exploring. But after a day, I had seen everything. Now, if you like gambling and casinos, then Macau might just be for you. I would have rather spent another day or two in Hong Kong; or traveled to Singapore or Taiwan for new and interesting adventures.

Remember to tread lightly and leave no trace.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Guangzhou, China: July 2010

We love to travel and explore all of the wonderful things that our state has to offer, but we also love to explore different cultures from around the world. When my father asked if I would like to assist him with some business in China, I jumped at the chance. Now, I feel bad that Jacki did not get to go, but this was the trip of a lifetime and I had to take advantage of it. China is a wonderful place, very green, and Guangzhou is home to some of the friendliest people I have ever encountered. And thanks to Skype, I was able to keep in contact with Jacki every morning right after breakfast. We do plan to go back as a family as there is so much to see and do that it couldn't all be done in just 10 days.

Welcome to China. I was worried about customs, but everyone was very friendly and helpful.

View of Guangzhou from the hotel window.

The Pearl River is lined on both banks with these beautiful trees and interesting lamps.

Dad and I on Beijing road. Beijing Road is a large outdoor foot mall. Shops and restaurants for over a mile and they range from the rediculously expensive to cheap knock off merchandise.

Street food abounds on just about every street. Some I was a little skeptical, and some actually looked quite good.

On what looked like alleyways, you could find vendors selling everything from dried fish to noodles, to dragon fruit and fresh cherries.

In the middle fo the city, hidden away on a small side street, one of the oldest buddhist temples in China.

Walking along a back street, several tables were set up with people playing mahjong.

A great historical landmark is this theatre built in recognition of the revolution.

How do I get up there?

A lot of stairs, thats how. After nearly dying from the hike up, a whole new Guangzhou opened up for me. There were temples, galleries, and museums waiting for anyone who dares travel up the thousand or so steps.

Eating was a challenge as very few people spoke English and I know how to say two things in Chinese. They do not offer menus in English, however most do have pictures. So what looks good? What did I just order?

So this is what I ordered. Probably one of the best meals I had in China (and they were all very good). It was a spicy, soupy concoction of beef and onions in a spicy broth. Out of this world and I have yet to find anything like it in the states.

Friendly people, big city, great food, very clean, and very safe. Standing on Beijing Road, a little girl walks up to me and says in practiced English, "Hello". I respond in my awful Chinese, "Nihow". She then says to me, "welcome to China". I told her thank you and left me with a huge smile on my face the rest of the day. China is an amazing place and if you are wondering if you should go, do. You will not be disappointed.

Remember to tread lightly and leave no trace.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Denver, CO: July, 2010

After the long trip to Chicago, we had a couple of weeks to relax and get back into our routine before we took off to Denver to visit my family. It is always good to go back to where I grew up and visit my cousins, aunt, uncle and grandparents. They love seeing the great grandchildren as well. This was a short trip and sadly we did not get too many pictures in. We try to make it a point to get up and see my grandparents at least once a year. It is always good to spend time with family.

The Great Grandparents.

Two generations together. Grandparents and Great Grandparents.

Always remember to tread lightly and leave no trace.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chicago, Il: June,2010

Jacki was born and raised in the Chicago area and her family is still there. When she occassionally mentions that she is yearning for Chicago, it is always wise to make the pilgrimage back to her mother and brothers. June is typically a great time to go there as winter is now over and summer has not hit full swing yet. Well, this time was the exception, sort of. On the days there was sun, it was hot and humid. However, most days were covered with overcast skys and it rained pretty much every day for at least a short period. It was still a great time in a great city with a fun family and that Chicago culture mesh. Chicago aside, we did manage to get up north to Wisconsin and down south to Indiana. We hit up the Chicago Botanical Gardens, Wisconsin Dells, House on the Rock, the great Dunes of Indiana, and of course we had to go to Navy Pier. We love Chicago, the culture, museums, and the food. Also, spending time with family is always nice.

One of the best and most fun museums in the country is Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. From and actual captured WWII German U-boat, to a scale model of Chicago complete with working trains, to various aircraft dive bombing you from the cieling. A lot of interactive displays and just a great time for the whole family.

Another great spot to spend a day is at Chicago's Botanical Gardens. From beutiful flowers, green trees and grass, waterfalls, Japanese tranquility garden, and a very large model train display that takes model trains past historical sites across the country.

The chapel at Holy Hill, Wisconsin. We got there a bit late and didn't get to go inside. Very sad, but maybe next time.

We took a ton of pictures at House on the Rock in Wisconsin. A very interesting museum by all means. My favorite part was the model ships they had on display, the rest seemed to be a very eclectic collection of crap. It would benefit visitors if they would provide more information on the items they had on display, and while the giant carousel is cool in its own right, some of the "horses" and the ladies on the wall and ceiling were just plain creepy.

For good family fun, the Dells in Wisconsin is the place to go. A whole city that caters to fun. Hotel/amusement parks, jet boat tours, go cart racing. All a great time. We took a tour of the Dells via water and while getting soaked by the rain, Jacki and I couldn't help but laugh at the tour guide that did not know anything about what the boat was going past, and didn't even know her right form left. It was a joy by all means. However, the scenery was breathtaking and who doesn't like boat rides?

A quick trip down to Indiana and the Dunes on the coast of Lake Michigan. A huge playground for those looking for summertime fun on the shores of the lake with the skyline of Chicago looming in the background. A big deal is to hike to the top of Mount Baldy. At a booming 150ft, it is quite an endeavor. Actually, the hike up is a little tough as to get to the top you have to walk up hill in some pretty soft sand. It is a good workout.

Mount Baldy.

If you're in Chicago and a little short on funds, the Lincoln Park Zoo is a good place to see. Admission is free and it is not just some small zoo thrown together for you to see in an hour. It is a proper zoo and it'll take you a good portion of the day to see all of the exhibits.

And a trip to Navy Pier is always a good idea and a fun way to spend a few hours. Shops, restaurants, beer garden, and a stained glass museum are all available at Navy Peir.

Remember to tread lightly and leave no trace.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

San Diego, CA: May, 2010

The long weekend and rising temperatures told us it was time to get out of town. We thought it would be a good time to go see Papa John again. Since it is a pretty short trip via car, and one of our favorite places to go, it was a no brainer. This time my brother and his family went out there as well. If we tried to plan it, it would not have happened that way. It is always nice to get the family together and I know my dad really enjoys spending time with his grandchildren. This time instead of walking the decks of the Midway, we went to the New Children's Museum and the Maritime Museum right on the Embarcadero. We also took a family trip to Sea World and the kids got a blast out of seeing the pet show and Shamu. Another great weekend in one of our favorite cities.

One of the best places to have breakfast downtown. The line to get a table is long, but the corned beef hash and pancakes are well worth the wait.

Trojan horse at the New Children's Museum.

Jacki painting a butterfly on a whale at the New Children's Museum.

Sea World is always fun. This guy seemed to think he was just a little too important for us at the moment.

The Killer Whales are always a sight to behold. The show was great!

Elle enjoying a hot cocoa in Old Town.

View of the Midway from dad's balcony.

Soviet sub at the Maritime Museum.

Officers mess in the soviet submarine.

Officers mess aboard the USS Dolphin. Another submarine at the museum.

The "conn" aboard the USS Dolphin.

Again, we love San Diego and have been getting out there a couple times a year for the last couple of years. It is always good to see my dad and Patricia, and the kids always have a good time too.

Remember to tread lightly and leave no trace.
